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The Effectiveness of Bolton Businesswoman’s Networking for Women

A networking organization aimed at empowering women in the business sector is getting ready to mark one year of existence. 52-year-old Lostock resident Sarah Hulme founded a female empowerment circle club to support businesswomen by offering an alternative to typical networking gatherings. Sarah established this group by utilizing her networking knowledge and abilities. As she gets closer to her one-year anniversary, she is now enjoying her accomplishments.

“I started my ladies’ empowerment circle at the beginning of last year,” Sarah stated. It began at one place, but we have since established three: in Bolt, Adlington, and this month, a new facility in Hindley.

“And basically, I want to connect women, regardless of whether they are already in company or want to start a side project on the side. It’s basically a safe area for women to be empowered, inspired, and motivated, and it’s doing great. Additionally, we collaborate with two charities as part of the empowerment circle: Backup North West and Our Bolton NHS charity, both of which do amazing things for the community. We held a Christmas charity lunch at Retreat in Bolton on November 16 as a thank you to the charities. It sold out right immediately, and we took over the entire restaurant.

“On the day, we raised £1,635 for both charities through raffle ticket sales, a Christmas market, and Maura’s stand-up comedy act.”

Sarah stated that more events will be held this year with the aim of raising even more money for these two charity.

“We have other events planned on the back of the event’s success. Everyone wanted to rebook for next Christmas, so we’ve booked Retreat again and will be hosting the Christmas lunch again, raising money for both charities,” the speaker stated.

“In addition to the lunch, we have taken over Retreat to host an expo for all women, regardless of whether they are in business or not, as March 8th is International Women’s Day.”Thus, basically, what began as a networking group to unite women has grown into something enormous, encompassing not just the charity events but also my other activities and courses.I wanted to convey to the ladies of Bolton that there are other opportunities for women in business; I also wanted to share stories of inspiration and empowerment.

The purpose of the circle was originally to uplift women, but we are now also promoting both charities, with the women in the group organizing their own fundraising events in response to one of my events.