Prime Highlights:
Hubbell hired a household manager and meal prep chef, leading to improved time management and stronger family bonds.
Hubbell founded Sage Haus in September 2023 to assist busy moms in outsourcing household tasks and creating efficient home systems.
Sage Haus provides small group coaching, recruitment services, and digital courses to help mothers hire support and alleviate the invisible burden of household management.
Key Background:
Kelly Hubbell, founder of Sage Haus, is turning a personal experience managing a household’s mental load into a business helping busy moms find some relief. Founded in Portland, Oregon, this journey started by acknowledging the work-life balance myth for Hubbell. Being a working mother, she found the mental stress of being the primary caregiver and managing her home unsustainable when she had her second child. It led to her hiring a household manager and a meal prep chef, which would bring total transformation in the dynamics of her family.
It was at once a solution to the mundane problem but more importantly, turning point to appreciate the invisible work most women take inside the household. She very soon realized, even with best of intentions that it is hard to have household chores equitably distributed without even more help and this is mostly pronounced in such families like her who live too far from her extended family as well as far from any nearby support for babysitting or running errands within the household.
At that moment, she recognized the need for change and shared an Excel sheet with her husband, which detailed the household responsibilities she had been managing. His response, “That looks like a job description,” highlighted the need for structural adjustments. The solution was straightforward: outsource part of the workload. With the support of a household manager and meal prep chef, Hubbell quickly noticed improvements in her time management, mental well-being, and relationships with her family.
It was last September 2023 when Hubbell launched Sage Haus because many of her friends and other mothers were asking how they too could apply her formula for success. The company will support mothers through the construction of efficient home systems, employment of assisting individuals who can do some of the work within the house, and lifting that weight of a busy household from a mother’s mental well-being. Sage Haus now offers digital courses and small group coaching to aid the busy mom in living life with structure. The motivation to work is behind the motivation of other mothers and their ability to take back some of their precious time by delegating.